Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My Dilemma

This is one of those random thingys that have been on my mind. After this past weekend in chat w/@rose_flores and @iamgrey and then this morning w/@mrsginobili it really got me thinking....

Ever have those moments in life where you find yourself questioning if what you are about to do is something that you're gonna regret? You know those "I shouldn't be here" and "Did I just say that?" moments. I have been feeling that way these past couple of days and it was really brought to my attention when a friend of mine mentioned the word trouble this morning on one of her tweets! Thanks MG! Haha!

There is something that I have been struggling with that I really want but I know that I shouldn't have because like all things that we really want, might lead to trouble and heartache. But how much fun and how good can trouble sometimes feel!!Anyway, I've talked to my best friend about it and she told me what I always tell her, follow your heart. Up until she told me that I never realized how frustrating it is to hear that when you are on the other end of the convo! Guess i had that coming after telling everyone to follow their heart. I promise from now on I will not say that anymore, lol. So anyway, all this talk about fun and trouble this morning got me thinking, I believe I might follow my own advice and MAYBEEE follow my heart. What's the worse that can happen right? I'm gonna live in the moment and just hope that things work out for the best and I'll make sure that I'll have fun along the way!! My twitter girls know what I'm talking about! I truly do <3 you girls and am so happy that you have become part of my life!

And to that certain person who is also reading this blog, you have won! Please don't let me down :)


  1. I'm more of a follow your heart but make sure to hold back enough that if the pains comes...it won't hurt as much. But we all know that i have emotion issues so that's stupid! lol Do what makes you happy no matter what i wish i had...

  2. haha i love how we seem to make each other think so much. well i think your heart can get you in more trouble than anything else. so i usually dont say that but have FUN, at our age its not the time to be cautious and worried all the time, its about living and running wild. let ur hair down and take what comes & go get what you want! do what you want cause later in our lives, once children and all that come into play its no longer about us and you don't want to think "man i missed out" itll work out for you RG. i just know it. wow i wrote a book. sorry. :)
